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MARCH 24 & 25, 2023
Thank you to all the speakers, discussants, attendees, partners & sponsors for making this a successful edition!

OCERT stands for ORSI Consensus European Robotic Training. Its mission is to provide European scientific societies an inclusive platform in order to co-create top quality, standardised, validated & certified robotic training programs. OCERT is a think-tank that will improve robotic surgical education and consequently improve robotic surgery in the hospital.


OCERT IX was all about quality assurance with talks on the importance of setting benchmarks, new research findings on proficiency based progression, quality assurance in cardiothoracic & orthopaedic surgery. 

Check out the OCERT LinkedIn-page for the highlights of OCERT IX
Venue - Orsi Academy

Proefhoevestraat 12,

9090 Melle (Gent), Belgium

T +32 (0) 9 334 69 26


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